January 6-8, 2025 NYU Campus

Becoming You
NYC Intensive

We all want lives of meaning and authenticity, lives that make us feel alive. But how, exactly, do we find them? Enter Becoming You, the ground-breaking career planning methodology developed by award-winning NYU Stern School of Business Professor Suzy Welch. Normally only available to NYU Stern students, Professor Welch now teaches an intensive version of her acclaimed class that is open to all. The program is run under the auspices of the NYU | Stern Initiative on Purpose and Flourishing, held on campus, and grants participants a Certificate of Completion.

  • Day One: January 6

    Values Excavation

    9 am - 5 pm with a lunch break

    The Becoming You Methodology is founded on the construct that your purpose lies at the intersection of your values, your aptitudes, and the areas of economic growth that call you emotionally and intellectually. That intersection is, in Becoming You’s terminology, your “Area of Transcendence,” which Professor Welch describes as “the right-fitting, soul-filling, and enlivening destination of the beautiful, messy, complex, and precious journey we call life.”

    Does Becoming You promise a straight shot to each participant’s Area of Transcendence? Absolutely not, because life does not work that way. But the methodology is designed to set you firmly on the road to your AOT with a good map, clarifying insight, and new confidence, because without an AOT destination in mind, any old road will do. And usually does.

    The first day of the Intensive is spent identifying each participant’s unique core values through the use of six proprietary exercises, culminating with The Values Bridge, an assessment tool that Professor Welch developed specifically for those undertaking the Becoming You process.

    Whether you enter the Becoming You Intensive thinking you know your core values or not, the values excavation will undoubtedly expand and deepen your understanding of your deeply held beliefs, goals, and motivations. And, as importantly, the values excavation will start to clarify the purpose-filled future you hope to build.
  • Day Two: January 7

    Aptitudes Identification

    9 am - 5 pm with a lunch break

    What are you good at? No, really good at? Like, better-than-most-people good at? We can spend our whole lives not knowing the true answer to those questions, and such data is essential to finding, and living, the lives we were meant to.

    Becoming You begins to pinpoint its participants’ underlying aptitudes with a series of scientifically validated tests, three of which are taken prior to the Intensive. (The costs of this testing are covered in tuition.) A fourth test is administered during our time together. The goal of all of these assessments is to take the mystery out of our cognitive and emotional strengths, so that we can begin to identify which kinds of jobs and industries are the best match for them.

    Day Two features a guest lecture from Rasanath Das, the world’s leading expert on the Enneagram, one of our assessment tools, whose kindness, deep wisdom, and searing insight are always a highlight of the Becoming You program.
  • Day Three: January 8

    Industry and Megatrend Survey and Area of Transcendence Workshop

    9 am - 5 pm with a lunch break

    The first half of our final day together is designed to expose participants to often overlooked industries where opportunity abounds, and elucidating the most notable megatrends on the horizon. Even if you enter Becoming You thinking you know what kind of work you want to pursue, this portion of the Intensive is intended to “open the aperture” on what constitutes an economically viable interest.

    In the second portion of the day, participants work alone and in small groups to create, pressure test, and refine their Area of Transcendence roadmaps. This intensive process culminates in some students sharing their plans with the entire group for feedback and encouragement. (Such sharing is, of course, optional.) Professor Welch plays a very active role in this portion of the class, helping students hone and operationalize their plans.

    If this last part of the class sounds, well, intensive, it is. We are synthesizing 18 hours of what might be called “extreme learning,” turning eurekas (and dreams) into reality. And yet, somehow it all comes together, and it works. As one participant noted after her AOT presentation, “I can’t believe how much we accomplished in the class. Suzy’s gift of creating intimacy and holding space for individuals is awesome. I’m definitely reeling from the class, but in such a good way! I didn’t realize how far I’ve strayed from myself, and how good it would feel to be headed in the right direction again.”

    The Intensive concludes with an optional get-together with Professor Welch at a nearby restaurant.


  • Who is this program for? People just starting out in their careers, or mid-career professionals who are hoping to pivot?
    How about yes and yes, and everyone in between? The power of the Becoming You methodology is that it is a lifelong tool that meets you exactly where you are in your career journey.

    Professor Welch has taught Becoming You to individuals from 18 to 80; the course is designed to be inclusive – and life-transforming – whether you are thisclose to your purpose, and searching for it on what feels like a distant horizon.
  • What can I expect to get out of the three-day Becoming You program?
    You will emerge from the program with a comprehensive list of your core values, insight into your unique aptitudes, and a new understanding of the economic opportunities ahead. Perhaps most importantly, the goal of the program is for each participant to create a personalized, customized “Area of Transcendence” roadmap to their future.

    In short, you should expect to come out of the Intensive with a clearer, richer, hope-provoking answer to the question, “What should I do with my life.”
  • How does the Intensive compare to Professor Welch’s course at NYU?
    In sheer number of hours of instruction – 21 total – it is about the same. However, the work is very accelerated, and some homework assignments have been eliminated from the process. Finally, at NYU, Becoming You students undergo a 5-week 360- Feedback process which is (naturally) shorter and less complex in the Intensive version.

    It is important to note that Professor Welch’s NYU course is only available to students enrolled at the university.
  • How much access will we have to Professor Welch?
    Professor Welch will teach the entire program and very much enjoys interacting with participants.
  • What is included in the cost of the program?
    The $2,300 cost includes instruction, as well as all learning materials and tests. It does not include meals and housing.
  • Where is the program taking place?
    On the NYU campus.
  • Do you recommend taking the class with a friend or family member?
    By all means, if this makes sense for you! That said, people tend to connect quickly and naturally during the Becoming You process, so you likely feel a sense of immediate community.
  • What should I do if I have other questions?
    Bring ‘em! Please contact us at hello@suzywelch.com.
January 2025 NYU Campus

Becoming You
NYC Intensive